Indianapolis Music Thin Fevers

Update on new Thin Fevers EP, “New Systems” – sneak peak

With Chandler temporarily on the bench, I thought I should probably post. A quick update about the upcoming Thin Fevers EP, “New Systems.” Check out the new site, and sign up for RockitBomb’s first exclusive MP3 download release. Don’t worry, it is free.

Sorry for my lack of posts, lately. I have been busy slaving away at the day job and on Thin Fevers stuff at night. (I will admit to the occasional video game night, though).

With Chandler temporarily on the bench, though, I feel the need to pitch in. Check out the new – featuring the artwork from “New Systems.” Also, check out the image at the right for a sneak peak at what the limited edition box set is going to look like.

I am really excited about this record, as not only am I in the band, but this will be the first MP3 release for RockitBomb. We originally recorded this two summers ago, but with Chandler leaving and us getting Travis up to speed, we sat on it. Our friend Nathan Cook engineered the recording, and we self produced the whole thing with Apple’s GarageBand before sending it off to Josh Bonati at Bonati Mastering in New York.

We are hoping for a big turn out on at our release show on Friday April 4th at Big Car Gallery. Drop in your email address to get the download when it is ready, including video from the 4/4 release show.