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Happy New Year!

I’m not feeling very verbose as I kick of 2013, but I did want to showcase some highlights from 2012 and some plans for 2013.

Chevy Chase New Year Gif

I’m not feeling very verbose as I kick of 2013, but I did want to showcase some highlights from 2012 and some plans for 2013.

Wow, what a big year – things at Raidious started off pretty hot with the Superbowl XLVI Social Media Command Center propelling our company into the national spotlight. Indianapolis was a great host for the NFL and I’m proud to have been a part of it. Raidious also won a Mira award and we ended the year by  announcing that we are planning on adding 75 new jobs by 2016!

Speaking of jobs, I am happy to announce that my day-to-day role at Raidious is shifting from Operations to Technology. The leadership team at Raidious continues to expand, and I am excited to have a new area of the business to focus on! 2013 is going to be a revolutionary year for our company, and I am excited to be building some innovative new tools for audience building.

2012 was a good year for music as well. Last year I joined up with some good friends to start a new music project, dubbed Conjurer. It’s slow, heavy, and loud. We just finished a recording and have been playing in Indy. Be sure to like us on Facebook and  come out to see us if you are a fan. I also had the privilege of doing a weekend tour with Autobody.

I’ve never been a big fan of new years resolutions, so I will announce a couple of 2013 plans instead. Things to look out for:

  1. Conjurer Demo – This thing should be wrapped up super soon.
  2. Henchman – a new comic book project that I have been working on with my high school friend, Jamison Raymond.
  3. More exciting things from Raidious.
  4. Other stuff – I’m not sure yet, but I am hoping to get around to another project in my loose idea folder this year – stay tuned!

As far as the rest of the world goes, Google did the best job recapping a pretty incredible year in the world. I leave you with their Zeitgeist video for 2012
