Indianapolis MaraAkate Music News Nostalgia Video

Back to the Future with JC Autobody

On the weekend of February 24th, I was fortunate enough to join my friend Jonathon Newby (formerly of Brazil) on the road as part of JC Autobody. Newby put a great band together featuring Eric Johnson (also from Brazil) and Russ Cogdell (from Zao). Here is a taste: This was a particularly awesome weekend for me. […]

Geekery Movies Short Films Updates Video

Kids Playing – A New Video Shot with my new GoPro Hero 2

A fun little video.

Short Films Video

Bridge – A fun short not from Pixar.

A fun story by someone who doesn’t, but should work at Pixar.

Music Video

Memory Map is Awesome – Watch them Now

Memory Map is a bit of a super band for me. Featuring Mike Dixon, Mike Bridavsky, and two fellows I don’t know, this band seems to me to be the band that should have always existed, but until recently never did. Some seriously great stuff from some seriously great guys in Bloomington.

MaraAkate Music Video

Mara’Akate Live at The University of Connecticut

A trip down memory lane to a wintery Mara’Akate show at the University of Connecticut.