On the weekend of February 24th, I was fortunate enough to join my friend Jonathon Newby (formerly of Brazil) on the road as part of JC Autobody. Newby put a great band together featuring Eric Johnson (also from Brazil) and Russ Cogdell (from Zao). Here is a taste: This was a particularly awesome weekend for me. […]
Category: Video
A fun little video.
Bridge – A fun short not from Pixar.
A fun story by someone who doesn’t, but should work at Pixar.
Memory Map is a bit of a super band for me. Featuring Mike Dixon, Mike Bridavsky, and two fellows I don’t know, this band seems to me to be the band that should have always existed, but until recently never did. Some seriously great stuff from some seriously great guys in Bloomington.
A trip down memory lane to a wintery Mara’Akate show at the University of Connecticut.